Hi, we’re Ava and Isla. We’re best friends and the founders of Adelaide Examiner.
This website actually started from a fun project we had back when we were in uni in 2019. Back then, we were seniors from the University of Adelaide who would write reviews just for fun to share with our peers.
We wrote listicles about the best pubs, breweries, entertainment spots, and restaurants just around our campus. We wrote articles that were fun yet informational; relatable yet reputable.
We were actually taken aback by how popular those listicles became. From there, we realized two things.
First, there is a shortage of quality reviews on the products and services in Adelaide. Second, we realized that these reviews were actually helpful and people liked reading them.
What started out as just a fun venture actually turned out to help other people. We got comments from foreign exchange students and even tourists who told us how informational our listicles are and how we have helped them.

This spurred the idea for the Adelaide Examiner. From articles revolving around campus life, we branched out to all kinds of services and products you can find in Adelaide.
As girls who have grown and lived here, we’re so excited to help you see just how beautiful Adelaide is. Here, we write about the best of what Adelaide has to offer on all fronts.
Whether you’re looking for the best attractions and hotels here or searching for the right doctor for your needs, we got you covered. Our website can be a trusty guide in your pocket that is brimming with all kinds of useful information and recommendations from Adelaide.
This website has grown with us. Now that we’ve graduated and have taken this venture on as full-time careers, we’re so excited to share our website with you and everything it has to offer.
Of course, we’re open for all kinds of feedback. Make sure to message us about any concerns about our website.
We’ll be sure to listen.
We hope you enjoy the Adelaide Examiner as much as we’ve enjoyed crafting it!
Much love,
Ava & Isla